cozy color pattern

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

If you follow me on twitter you've probably seen me tweeting with the hashtag #GOTV a lot lately. What does that mean? It stands for Get Out The Vote.
Today, I really hope you all do you part by making it out to the polls to cast your votes for those that represent you every other day of the year when you aren't bombarded by campaign commercials and phone calls. I know the ads and mailings can be annoying but think about it this way; Some people in other countries would consider that a great problem to have.
If you're an Indiana voter, you can look up your polling location here. If you're out of state, try your Secretary of State's office or county clerk's website. So get out there and take in all that our representative democracy has to offer. Happy voting! P.S. That graphic up above is from a group of which I am so proud.
The 51% Club took major initiative to make sure that women's voices across our state were heard and I was so jazzed that my family's submission to their "When women vote" campaign made it into their awesome graphic (top right!)!